NBU Education

NBU Education


In an ideal world, education would be handled privately, which is to say by the established religious authorities which every proper State should have. However, since the western world has pretty well stopped any possibility of that, education must be undertaken by the State. The passing on of information should not be an extremely complicated task to perform and yet, today, even when technology has made learning easier than ever before, the educational system in most countries is a total and abject failure. Almost without exception this has been solely because of the infiltration of the educational system by liberal political agendas. Schools are no longer about teaching and informing, they are all about de-programming and re-programming.


The NBU educational model will create a focus on realistic goals and practical instruction. Starting with the basics, there should be two types of educational institutions. First are the mandatory primary and secondary Schools for children and young people. These would focus on teaching the essential subjects required for anyone to function in society and covering a range of subjects to identify the areas in which each student shows interest and natural ability. Second are the higher education High Schools, which will include reintroduction of Grammar Schools colleges and Universities. These would focus on refining the talents already identified to make a student expert in their field of endeavour.


Universities should be a place for the refinement of the future leaders of the country and just as not every person is cut out for leadership, not every student is cut out for higher education and expecting them to be is ridiculous. Universities are for the future leaders in fields which require the mastery of a complicated subject. Students who have a natural talent for blue collar jobs will have no need for higher education but, after their mandatory schooling, would go into special apprenticeship programs operated by the industry corporation they have chosen to go in to which best fits their particular interest and talents. So, that should be the basic educational outline. State school to teach all children how to function in society and identify their areas of interest in which they excel followed either by entrance into the workforce through an apprenticeship in the corporation of their chosen field or going on to a University where they will be further educated to become a leader and expert on their subject of study.

Lower education will be regulated, for the most part, by the State Education Corporate according to their own industry code. They will be held accountable by the State for the results they produce.


Teachers unions will not be necessary given that their interests will be looked after by their own corporation and group protection for bad or ineffective teachers will not be tolerated. Lower education will consist in teaching students the basics; reading, writing, arithmetic, science, social studies, etc. Over the course of their years in lower education they will be exposed to a variety of subjects in order to identify their individual area of promise so they can be properly trained in that field later on to become a productive member of society. Mastery of the basics will, of course, be mandatory, but mastery of non-essentials will not be. To do so would be a waste of time and resources. These courses will be used only to determine the students’ area of ability, not their fitness for graduation. Proper attention will be given to physical education, sport and competitive games such sporting events will be emphasised and funded by the State for the schools.


Lower education will also include proper instruction in national history, civic duty, national pride and patriotism. For any country to be successful, it is essential that children, in their formative years, obtain a healthy love of country, sense of national belonging and social cohesion. Proper instruction should also be given on proper morality and social values according to the established religious moral values of the nation. Students will be required to wear uniforms which have been proven to encourage a sense of

solidarity, cut down on harmful forms of competitiveness and the prevalence of cliques. Boys and girls will attend the same schools but will be segregated. They may mix between classes and during breaks but will be taught separately. Boys and girls learn differently and trying to teach both using a single method is inefficient and difficult. For the most part, boys and girls generally show aptitude in different areas anyway and the socialising so often cited as a benefit of co-ed classrooms can be gained by interaction outside of class where all focus should be on education. Interaction is for the playgrounds, not the classroom.


Education should also take the form of regular employment; it is the job of the student as much as the teacher. In the same way, extremely long holidays should be done away with as they only provide greater periods of time for students to forget everything they were supposed to learn the previous year. However, by the same standard, excessive homework should be avoided as well. Students go to school to be taught and to learn and should not be expected to take the bulk of their work home with them to teach themselves or rely on their parents to teach them who have their own occupations to concern themselves with. Students should be encouraged to study at home, in their free time, as they see fit, however, if after being in class from 9am to 3pm a student still must take work home in order to learn, it reflects a failure on the part of the school and the teachers to do their job efficiently. Students go to school to learn, when school is over, their time should be their own or for their parents to fill, not for the school. Students should be given lunch at school but not breakfast or dinner, which are the responsibility of the parents. A family meal at the end of the day should be encouraged, not discouraged by giving children the option of staying or returning to school for every meal. In the realm of higher education, specificity should be the order of the day. Lower education is to determine the gifts and interests of each student. Young adults should not waste time and money in higher education trying to find themselves or determine what they want to do with their life. Nor should institutions of higher learning be about protecting the privileged place of professors, it should be about practical, concrete results. This means that core curriculum requirements become a thing of the past. A student should already have the basic fundamentals required of any citizen by the time they finish their lower education and their time in higher education should be devoted totally to the complete mastery of their chosen subject and one reserve subject to a lesser extent. It is a waste of time and resources, serving no interest other than the wasteful employment of educators, to force a student who has demonstrated a mastery of biology and who is pursuing a career in that field to learn the intricacies of ancient history or Renaissance art. Their time should be devoted completely to becoming an expert biologist and master of that subject. In the same way, a student with a gift for history, pursuing a career as an historian or history teacher, should devote themselves to mastering history and not waste their time learning how to graph the equation of a line. In almost every case, the student in question will never have use for this knowledge in the future, nor would any of the classes any student now receives as part of their core curriculum qualify them for a position in any of those fields. They are an utter waste. For example, someone who majored in journalism would not be able to find a job as a mathematician simply because they took one course in algebra as part of their core requirement. Again, it is a waste of time and resources.


Higher education should produce highly trained leaders in their given field with absolute minimal, if any, further instruction being totally unnecessary. Higher education should be an elite training ground for the elite citizenry of tomorrow. Universities should not be a place known as much for wild parties, drunkenness and debauchery as for learning. Men and women should be in separate dorms, strictly enforced, there should be no meaningless and wasteful cliques such as ‘it’ clubs or any other groups or activities that distract from the purpose a student has for attending a university. Needless to say, higher education, just like lower education, is not the place for engaging in the pushing of popular trends, fashionable philosophy or any sort of revolutionary agenda. The days of tenured professors will be a thing of the past and, as with any other section of society, subversive actions or agitations will not be tolerated and will be dealt with severely. Universities are not the place for left-wing professors to push their favourite ideologies on immature minds; it is the place to train them to be the experts in their chosen fields and future leaders of the nation. School pride should be encouraged but not through absurd, meaningless rituals or invented ideals. Rather, school pride should be based on a record of excellence with Universities boasting, not of their sports teams or extracurricular activities, but of the successful leaders in society that they have produced. For far too long, in Universities around the country, actual educational results have been declining as these Universities become less institutions of higher learning and more institutions for enriching the egos of elite professors who wish to create a mindless horde of subservient, liberal revolutionaries. This trend must stop and stop immediately. As with all corporate bodies in a nation the schools and Universities must be brought into accord with the national welfare and be united in the cause of national greatness and national excellence. This is, perhaps, the most fundamental aspect of the NBU educational program that education ceases to be self-serving, as it is now, and conforms to serve the national interest by producing a proper and practical education, proudly patriotic citizenry, capable of productive employment as well as skilled specialists and national leaders to carry on the nation into the future. Unity with the rest of society, unity of purpose with the common good and practical results. That is what education should be all about.